Developers struggling to deliver?

Generate your backend code to increase development velocity.

Includes transparent integration with caching, search indexing and more.

We have been in your shoes

Even the best developers write inconsistent code.

SQL developers often become bottlenecks until optimization is no longer feasible.

DBAs are stretched thin with no time for major backlog items.

Urgent features remain six months away, year after year. If only we had the time, resources, or anything to spare.

Database performance has a threshold

Speed of data retrieval from disk has a threshold for all databases. There’s a limit to how far one can optimize application data models and queries to improve database latency and performance. Beyond that, squeezing out more performance is not possible. Assigning more resources or upgrading to better hosts with higher performance has limitations, where the database engine becomes a bottleneck. We didn’t say any of this!

Key Findings

We still write backend code using decades old, familiar techniques. Meanwhile, data access techniques have not evolved beyond stored procedures and ORM tools.

RDBMS is a dead-end

The features that gave you ACID compliance have made them unsuitable for modern workloads.

NoSQL is not the solution

Even NoSQL databases are limited by their inherent disk-optimized design.

The Cloud is expensive

Companies that achieve product-market fit, fail when expenses exceed revenue.

Scaling is expensive

Public Cloud companies make billions on elastic scalability & serverless computing. Even IO cycles cost money.

Redis takes time & effort

From startups to large enterprises, it takes everyone a long time to learn how to use it effectively.

CRUD takes a lot of work

Manually writing code for basic database operations and integrating caching w/ TTL in a consistent manner to avoid spaghetti code is challenging.

A Weak Foundation

Because applications are handwritten using unreusable, custom code, they become obsolete over time. The only opportunity to make significant improvements are at the get-go because changing anything later can break everything. What if the foundation for every app was reusable, and could independently evolve over time?


Cyclomatic complexity per function/ module


Technical Debt Ratio (TDR) in large apps


Typical number of defects per KLOC


Seconds or more latency is the norm, but considered slow

Learn more about our solution

Our mission is to advance data-driven Software Development by fundamentally reimagining it, leveraging decades of industry experience to transcend current limitations and challenges.

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